Dieta Integration Program

Embarking upon a Master Plant Dieta is a sacred commitment. It is an experience that has the potential to alter the fibers of the very essence of your being – on a somatic, energetic, spiritual, and psychological level, and often all at once. Those who engage in the practice of dieta often experience major life changes. While deeply healing, expansive, and profound these changes may be challenging to navigate alone. 

During this container, you will be supported going into and coming out of your dieta. Going in, you will learn how to best prepare yourself for the dieta process, how to set your foundation for going into communion with the plant which you have chosen, and best practices for the time spent during your dieta. Coming out, you will learn how to integrate the teachings, insights, and experiences that occurred during the dieta, how to navigate the shifts that have occurred within you, both subtle and profound, and what tools and practices to use to support your nervous system as you continue to grow and expand. 

In the Dieta Integration Program, Evacheska combines the knowledge from her own experiences integrating dietas into day-to-day life with her degree in Clinical Psychology, her formal training as a Psychedelic Medicine Facilitator and Psychedelic Integration Coach, along with Somatic Experiencing, Compassionate Inquiry, Intuitive Mentorship, and many other practices. While each person’s dieta experience is unique to their individual process, there are fundamental commonalities across every dieta; this program combines a high-touch, personalized approach to integration with foundational approaches.

What is a Master Plant Dieta?

A Master Plant Dieta is a shamanic system of discipline through which a person can meet, connect with, and learn from a plant’s spirit, thus embarking upon a path of inner and outer discovery and healing, deepening the relationship to nature, the Divine, to source, and to the self. Through this process, one receives transmissions of support, guidance, teachings, and allyship.

What is the commitment for the Dieta Integration Program?

Each program is catered to the needs of the specific individual, however the standard container is 4 weekly 55-minute sessions of preparation leading up to the dieta, and 8 weekly 55-minute sessions of integration coming out of the dieta. You will receive light homework to support the preparation and integration process. Text message and voice note support will be available during the period of the container as well.